The European Defence Agency (EDA) in cooperation with the European Commission (EC), and the Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking (ECSEL JU) is organising the first “Opportunities for Dual-Use Technologies – Components” Workshop on June 28, 2016.
The criticality of electronic components is reflected in a growing need for EU non-dependence. Securing supply in areas such as sensors, new materials and digital systems is grabbing the attention of both governments and industry. The most relevant European research projects in these areas will be presented in the workshop, highlighting the past and present developments as well as future opportunities.
The event is expected to bring together experts from the entire range of stakeholders involved in European dual-use technology research. EDA, EC and ECSEL JU directors will be opening the event, while the panel discussion will involve representatives from the UK Ministry of Defence, STMicroelectronics, the European Commission (DG GROW) and the European Space Agency.
For more information and to express your interest to attend follow this link.