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5 countries to start “Pooling and Sharing” on Satellite Communication

With the 5th signature of the project arrangement just gained, the European Satellite Communication Procurement Cell (ESCPC) with IT, FR, PL, RO, UK enters into force as an ad hoc project of the EDA and has now made its Initial Operational Capability milestone.

Satellite Communication is a critical operational enabler that links both command and control systems and intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and targeting systems. Demand is growing significantly, particularly with the widespread use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on the battlefield which require significant SATCOM capacity for control and transmission of data from sensors.

The ESCPC “pilot” case is a quick-win Pooling and Sharing project. It will allow the contributing Member States to benefit from a common procurement scheme at European level addressing a contested, concentrated commercial satellite communications market by pooling orders and making significant savings that improve the effectiveness of military expenditure.

Photo credits: ESA