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ESIF funding for cyber project supported by EDA

A €7.1 million R&T and skill-related project run by a large (‘Prime’) European defence company and designed to improve cyber defence training has been awarded EU co-funding under the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). The EDA actively supported the project application for ESIF funding.  

The project, to be implemented by a LEONARDO-led consortium made up of four other companies as well as a university, aims at creating an integrated and multifunctional modeling and simulation system to train military staff and decision-makers under a number of cyber-related operative scenarios. The system will be built in a way that allows for flexible and customized usage in a multitude of domains including pre-deployment planning, testing of new equipment and protocols, training of operators or  support to decision-making in operations. 

This successful pilot case, widely and explicitly referring to military applications, confirms once again that defence projects can access ESIF co-funding. 
Initially brought forward by the Italian Ministry of Defence, the project will be closely coordinated with similar NATO activities, especially the work done in NATO’s Modelling and Simulation Group (NMSG) and related working groups.

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