The theme of this year’s Conference was “Harmonizing military airworthiness regulations: Implementation experiences and Integration in a global context”. 

Key note speeches were provided by the EDA Chief Executive, Mr Jorge Domecq and the Chief of Staff of the Portuguese Air Force, General Manuel Teixeira Rolo. Over the 1½ days of the Conference, delegates received 17 presentations covering a wide-variety of topics and challenges currently being faced by the military airworthiness community, not only within Europe but also worldwide.

The wide variety of presentations, interspersed with valuable Q&A sessions and discussion periods, allowed delegates to gain an understanding on the approach being taken, and the challenges being faced, by nations in implementing the harmonised EMAR Requirements into their national regulations. Benefits to be gained from a harmonised approach, both to specific projects and also multi-national programmes, were identified and possible solutions shared. European Industry’s view on the work being undertaken was presented by ASD, with EASA also highlighting that the implementation of a Performance Based Regulatory Environment is an opportunity for the military. Within a global context the Republic of Korea and NATO shared their perspectives on recognition challenges, identifying the benefits available and the obstacles to be overcome.

The Conference also provided key opportunities for networking, ensuring that delegates were able to maximise their time with each other and to follow-up individual presentations with more detailed discussions of specific national issues.


Copies of the presentations can be accessed by clicking on the links above.


Photographs from the Conference (courtesy of PT Air Force) are available here