The European Defence Agency (EDA) in partnership with Egmont Institute launched its new EDA-Egmont PhD Prize in defence, security and strategy. The two organisations invite recent PhD students to submit their research findings by 1 January 2013.
The EDA-Egmont PhD Prize in European defence, security and strategy is intended to encourage and stimulate European research in the context of European defence and security. The award targets the findings of research that have been carried out in the framework of a defended and approved doctoral thesis at a recognised academic institution in a Member State of the European Defence Agency.
The Prize will be awarded by the EDA in partnership with the Egmont Institute. The aim is to introduce a new award that acknowledges academic excellence while putting it in a European context. The unique partnership enables Egmont to ensure academic substance and credibility while the European Defence Agency exposes the research to the heart of European policy making.
"Academic interest in issues of European strategy, security and defence is ever growing, as I can witness in my own field, political science. This PhD Prize will give a strong boost to innovative and relevant research - and that's exactly what political science should be", says Prof Sven Biscop, chairman of the PhD Prize jury.
Award and jury
To participate in the prize, graduates have to hold citizenship of one of the EDA Member States and have received their PhD in the last academic year (1 September 2011 to 31 August 2012). The winner is awarded with a sum of 2,000 Euros, as well as an intervention at the EDA Annual Conference 2013. Additionally, the successful PhD thesis will be recommended by the editors, Prof Sven Biscop and Prof Richard Whitman, for inclusion in the Routledge European Strategy & Security Book Series.
Submissions have to be made by 1 January 2013. The winner will be informed on 22 February 2013 and will be invited to present his/her thesis during the EDA Annual Conference on 21 March 2013.
The jury assessing the candidate thesis will include Prof Sven Biscop (Jury Chair), Egmont Institute; Ms Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive EDA; General de Rousiers, Chairman of EU Military Committee; Dr Antonio Missiroli, Director EUISS; Prof Jolyon Howorth, University of Bath / Yale University; Dr Hilmar Linnenkamp, Adviser SWP; Prof Richard Whitman, University of Kent.