To enhance their mutual support and assistance on Security of Supply the EDA Member States adopted on 19 November 2013 an updated “Framework Arrangement for Security of Supply”. The updated Framework Arrangement has broad applicability, covering both peacetime and times of crisis and all kinds of acquisitions. Hence, differing from its predecessor it is not limited any more to operational urgency nor to acquisitions conducted under Article 346 TFEU. The Framework Arrangement is also fully adapted to the new legal framework of the Defence and Security Procurement Directive 2009/81/EC and the Intra-Community Transfers Directive 2009/43/EC.
All 27 EDA participating Member States, as well as Norway, have now decided to subscribe to and therefore participate in the implementation of the Framework Arrangement, highlighting the importance of Security of Supply. In coming years the EDA will act as a facilitator to support national implementation and application of the Framework Arrangement.
In addition, the May 2014 Steering Board adopted a voluntary Code of Conduct on Prioritisation, associated with the Framework Arrangement, as a means to involve industry in the EDA Security of Supply framework, by establishing a way for industry to demonstrate its commitment to meet Member States enhanced Security of Supply requirements in defence procurement. The Code of Conduct is now open for subscription to the states participating in the Framework Arrangement.
Subject to the national subscription to the Code of Conduct, defence industry can sign up to this voluntary Code on a case-by-case basis. Whilst doing so industry will accept a set of principles to ensure delivery and provision of defence equipment and services to the Member States.
Both the Framework Arrangement and the Code of Conduct on Prioritisation are considered as substantial steps contributing towards the establishment of a comprehensive EU-wide Security of Supply Regime, as requested in the December 2013 European Council conclusions.
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