The seventh issue of European Defence Matters, the magazine of the European Defence Agency, is now available.
The cover story of this latest issue is dedicated to defence research & technology in Europe. We gathered views and opinions from a number of experts in the field, ranging from Philippe Brunet, Director of Aerospace, Maritime, Security and Defence Industries within the European Commission’s Directorate General Enterprise and Industry, to Denis Roger, EDA European Synergies & Innovation Director, and Eric Trappier, Dassault Aviation CEO and Chairman of the Defence Business Unit of the Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD). They provide readers with a comprehensive overview of the upcoming Preparatory Action for CSDP-related research, which could prove to be a real game-changer for European defence.
Also in this issue, we report on a selection of programmes in the field of air-to-air refuelling, maritime surveillance, non-lethal capabilities or renewable energy. We also explain the latest revision of the Agency’s Capability Development Plan with EDA experts.
Meanwhile, Latvian Minister of Defence Raimonds Vējonis has kindly accepted to share his views on European defence issues in this latest edition of our magazine. Here he discusses topics of interest for Latvia, who is assuming the EU presidency for the first half of 2015. Vice-Admiral Matthieu Borsboom, Director of the Defence Material Organisation in the Netherlands, also sat down with European Defence Matters in order to review some of the Dutch priorities in the field of defence acquisition and cooperation.
More information
- Go and read the digital version of European Defence Matters 7 at this link