The European Defence Agency (EDA) is currently looking for a Project Officer Airworthiness (TA, AD10), two Procurement and Contract Officers (TA, AD7), an Administrative Assistant (TA, AST4) and an IT Security Administrator (CA, FGIV). Candidates must apply via the EDA website by 23 November 2015.
The Agency is an “outward-facing” organisation, constantly interacting with its shareholders, the participating Member States, as well as with a wide range of stakeholders. It works in an integrated way, with multi-disciplinary teams representing all the Agency’s functional areas, to realise its objectives including its annual Work Programme and its rolling three-year Work Plan. Its business processes are flexible and oriented towards achieving results. Staff at all levels need to demonstrate the corresponding qualities of flexibility, innovation, and team-working; to work effectively with shareholders and stakeholder groups, formal and informal; and to operate without the need for detailed direction.
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