The European Defence Agency has recently published a web platform with information on opportunities of the EU COSME Programme for dual-use or defence-related SMEs.
COSME is the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs, running from 2014 to 2020, with a budget of € 2.3billion. COSME aims at supporting SMEs in the following areas: facilitating access to finance; supporting internationalisation and access to markets; creating an environment favourable to competitiveness; and encouraging an entrepreneurial culture.
The programmes provides SMEs with access to:
Among other things, EDA’s COSME platform provides dual-use and defence-related SMEs with a dynamic and user-friendly mapping to identify their closest COSME’s financial intermediary (e.g., banks, equity fund) and their local free-service point of contact, in native language (from the Enterprise Europe Network - EEN).
COSME also provides grants for cross-border cluster partnerships. EDA’s platform highlights defence-related clusters, potentially eligible to access COSME grants, to partner with in order to apply for above funding opportunity.
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