EDA’s efforts to support Member States gaining access to European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) for defence-related research projects continue to bear fruit: a project put forward by the Hellenic Ministry of Defence and aimed at developing a transferable Autonomous Composting Unit (ACU) for organic wastes to be used in military missions has just been granted ESIF funding.
For the first time, an EDA-supported project funded by ESIF is directly related to introducing the ‘circular economy’ concept into the military - a new endeavor actively supported by the EDA.
Deployed troops (missions, operations) traditionally generate high volumes of waste which can cause significant ecological and even health-related issues. The ACU project in question intends to alleviate this problem by developing a self-sustained waste treatment capability, which uses innovative energy and environmental technologies while still meeting military requirements.
The project is led by a Greek SME. Its budget is € 1 282 000 of which about 50% will be financed through ESIF co-funding.
Successful EDA support
So far, already six EDA-supported R&T projects have been granted ESIF co-funding for a total amount of € 8.5 million (average co-funding rate: 66% of total project costs). All those projects are listed on our new special ‘ESIF success stories’ page where defence stakeholders willing to apply for ESIF funding can find best practices and useful information.
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