The RTI Directorate provides support to Member States and to the European Commission for the Preparatory Action for defence research, including its implementation, and the research dimension of the European Defence Fund. The Directorate also ensures the promotion of innovation in defence and the exploitation of synergies at EU level with civil research in dual-use technology fields.
The RTI Directorate comprises two Units and an RTI Coordination Team, with the following key tasks:
- The EU-funded Defence Research Unit: upstream, implementing and downstream support linked to defence research activities funded by the EU budget under delegation by the European Commission
- The Technology & Innovation Unit: facilitating the work of the Capability Technology Groups (CapTechs) and Working Groups; development and management of ad hoc research activities based on sectoral Strategic Research Agendas
The RTI Coordination Team: coordination of the RTI Directorate’s contributions to EDA’s transversal activities (such as CDP, CARD, PESCO, and KSA); overview of the Agency’s research portfolio; provision of outlook for research activities and technology watch and foresight.