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MARSUR Demonstration shows a “new wave of European cooperation”

Over the last five years, 15 Member States and EDA have been working together to develop a Maritime Surveillance Network in support of CSDP operations and of homeland security based on existing national systems.


Six Member States (Finland, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom) have volunteered to demonstrate the functioning and added value of this network, that puts together maritime surveillance related information. To present this new MARSUR Networking system, EDA organised a Distinguished Visitors’ Day on 30 June 2011, in Brussels, to show real time exchange data.

 Mr. Pasi Staff, during the demonstration

This demonstration, led by Mr. Pasi Staff, Chairman of Project Team MARSUR, gathered more than 150 Senior high level representatives. The UK Minister for International Security Strategy, Mr. Gerald Howarth, and the Finnish State Secretary Mr. Marcus Rantala, also attended. 


EDA Chief Executive - speaking notes

EDA Capability Director - speaking points

Fact sheet Maritime Surveillance Networking

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