One of the official EU events being held during the Presidency of the Republic of Cyprus, the Fourth MAWA Military Airworthiness Conference will take place on the 26th – 27th September 2012 in the Golden Bay Hotel, Larnaca. The location has been specially selected by our Cypriot hosts to provide the ideal venue for up-to-the-minute presentations, questioning and discussion from some of the world’s foremost military airworthiness specialists against the backdrop of enchanting Cypriot scenery and hospitality.
The Conference will provide an ideal forum for Military Airworthiness Authorities, industry and the wider airworthiness community to debate and share their thoughts on the challenges resulting from the EDA coordinated activity of harmonising European military airworthiness in the current challenging environment for Member States Defence. It will also be an ideal opportunity to reflect upon the achievements that have been delivered thus far, as well as to explore possible visions for further development of the MAWA Forum.
To find out more about the speakers and topics, or to request a registration form, please send a short e-mail to the EDA Points of Contact named below.
EDA is looking forward to welcoming you to the Military Airworthiness Conference 2012!
EDA MAC-2012 POCs:
Jan Plevka (tel: +32 2 504 2863; e-mail:
Carl Garvie (tel: +32 2 504 2783; e-mail: