Indeed, missions and operations have large volumes of personal data to track and process, including all movements of personnel in operational theatres. The indispensable digitalisation of HR data processes and flows is another hurdle many missions and operations tend to struggle with.
Against this backdrop, EDA has taken the initiative to develop J1 FAS (J1 Functional Area Service), a specialist software tool aimed at facilitating and supporting the management of human resources in national and international military missions, including EU CSDP operations.
To date, the tool has been successfully deployed in several Operational Head Quarters (OHQ), including the Greek-led EUFOR RCA OHQ in Larissa in 2014, the Italian OHQ in Rome for EUNAVFOR MED operation Sophia in 2016 and several other exercises. After a comprehensive update of the software to address key lessons identified and to increase its functionality, a new more cyber-threat resistant version was developed recently to be implemented in the EU’s Naval Force Mediterranean Operation IRINI (EUNAVFOR MED IRINI) which aim to enforce the United Nations arms embargo to Libya. Initial steps (including training) to prepare for the deployment started in April 2021.
Now that an upgraded more tailor-made J1 FAS version is available, the EDA contract framework for providing the service is ready to be used by different operations and missions as the workflows are adaptable and open-source software is used to avoid licencing fees. EDA is looking forward to deploying the software to more missions or operations to help Member States foster digital harmonized remote pre-processing, in-processing and out-processing of personnel.