What is U-Space
Currently, this vision has been widened: U-Space is an “ecosystem” facilitating a Safe and Secure Integration of drones. U-Space is a full system including services but also dependencies, data repository, data flows and which requires minimum performances. U-Space is a civilian development.
Why an EDA study on U-Space
With the inevitable increase in drones operating at low altitude in the coming years, early engagement of the Military with all airspace users and Authorities involved is paramount to avoid negative implications on Safety, Security, and Defence. Indeed, this low-level airspace is regularly used by Military aircraft for operations and training and therefore U-Space airspace requirements shall guarantee that those military activities will be ensured in a safe and secured manner. In considering the implementation of the U-Space, the key objectives for the Military are:
- To maintain the level of Safety for Military (low-level) operations, to preserve operational effectiveness and to protect Search and Rescue operations.
- To guarantee the Security of (Military) infrastructures, assets and operations.
- To quantify the financial impacts of U-Space implementation on the Military and to secure the necessary funding to maintain safety, guarantee security and ensure interoperability.
U-space services should be deeply analysed from the military perspective to ensure future military seamless operations.
The “normal/nominal scenario*” is the core of this study:
- How to use U-Space when needed?
- How not to use U-Space when wanted?
Understanding the nominal operations in a U-Space “eco-system” is a prerequisite for the Military to collaborate at the U-Space concept development. The objective of the study is to contribute to an efficient civil-military collaboration in the framework of U-Space by facilitating and supporting the military engagement in this context. Defined as the situation when all users respect the “rules” of U-Space.
The U-Space framework contract is composed of 4 specific contracts:
- Specific contract # 1 (KoM 08/01/2021), updated by the ongoing specific contract #2), investigates the generic U-Space eco-system and its impacts on the military:
- Specific contract #3 investigates the e-Conspicuity and the Dynamic Airspace reconfiguration as part of U-Space regulation for the civilians:
- Specific contract #4 investigates the possible roles for the military in U-Space: users, services providers.
- KoM presentation here
- Intermediate and Final report: to come
- Common Military Position on U-Space: to come
Your participation
A Stakeholder Consultation Group is settled to review the different deliverables of the study.