In order for the Agency to meet its core objective of supporting cooperation among its participating Member States for the development of their defence capabilities, EDA has developed tailored arrangements with a number of EU agencies and bodies, multinational organisations as well as with a few non-member countries.
Administrative Arrangements
Based on an assessment of benefits for the Agency and Member States, the Agency has the possibility, under the authority of Member States, to conclude bilateral Administrative Arrangements with selected organisations as well as third countries. Such an administrative arrangement is a pre-requisite for third parties to take part in EDA projects and programmes.
So far, Administrative Arrangements (AA) have been concluded with:
- Norway. The AA with Norway was signed on 7 March 2006.
- Swiss Confederation. The AA with Switzerland was signed on 16 March 2012.
- Republic of Serbia. The AA with the Republic of Serbia was signed on 13 December 2013.
- Ukraine. The AA with Ukraine was signed on 7 December 2015.
- U.S. DoD. The AA with the Department of Defense of the United States of America was signed on 26 April 2023
- European Space Agency (ESA). The AA with ESA was signed on 20 June 2011. The cooperation aims at exploring the added value and contribution of space assets to the development of European capabilities in the area of crisis management and the Common Security and Defence Policy.
- Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation (OCCAR). The AA with OCCAR was signed on 27 July 2012. Under the arrangement, EDA and OCCAR share information and cooperate on projects and programmes throughout their lifecycle, including to facilitate handover of projects where so agreed.
Other cooperations
Moreover, the Agency has established a number of structured cooperations with a wide range of other third parties formalised through:
- Memorandums of Understanding & Cooperation Arrangements