Led by Jiří Šedivý, EDA Chief Executive, and Deputy Chief Executive André Erich Denk under the authority of Kaja Kallas, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affaires and Security Policy, the Agency’s organisational structure comprises of three operational directorates :
- Industry, Synergies & Enablers Directorate (ISE)
supports a range of activities critical to collaborative defence capability development in Europe.
- Capability, Armament & Planning Directorate (CAP)
supports the coherent development of the European defence landscape by integrating EDA’s involvement in the Capability Development Plan (CDP), the Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD) and the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO).
- Research, Technology & Innovation Directorate (RTI)
promotes and supports defence research at EU level. Based on the Overarching Strategic Research Agenda (OSRA), developed together with the Member States, the Directorate coordinates and plans joint research activities and the study of technical solutions to meet future operational needs.
Additionally, the Corporate Services Directorate (CSD), led by Ginette Manderscheid, provides critical business support to EDA operations by delivering high-quality corporate services under six dedicated Units:
- Human Resources
- Procurement and Contract Management
- Finance
- IT and Information Management
- Security and Infrastructure Management
- Legal
CSD processes are geared towards efficient and optimal use of resources, leveraging good practice and technological solutions while ensuring sound financial management, transparency and accountability.
The Chief Executive Policy Office (CE PO) works in direct support of the Agency’s top management (Chief Executive & Deputy Chief Executive). It is responsible for strategic policy development, planning and coordination of EDA’s activities. The Unit is the Agency’s prime interface towards Member States at policy level and is responsible for relations with EU institutions and bodies, as well as third parties. It acts as the secretariat of the Steering Board and of the Agency Management Board.
The Media and Communication Unit (MCU) is in charge of external communication with the defence and wider communities, including relations with the press. The unit is responsible for the Agency’s social media and digital communication, publications, audiovisual production and organisation of main events and conferences. MCU is also responsible for internal communication within the Agency.
The task of the internal auditor is to provide independent, risk-based and objective assurance and advisory services designed to add value and improve the Agency’s operations. It helps the EDA accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes.
EDA Management