
Workshops on Future C-MANPADS Solutions

The EDA Project Team Counter-Man Portable Air Defence Systems (C-MANPADS) works on future protective solutions for air assets in order to enhance their availability and increase freedom of manoeuvre. 

The EDA has initiated a project ‘Comprehensive Workshops on Future C-MANPADS Solutions’ (12.CAP.OP.276). The aim of this project is to specify the C-MANPADS requirements for the protection of air assets in EU military operations and civil missions, to identify civil-military synergies, and capture possible solutions, research and technology (R&T) needs and industrial implications. This will be achieved by drawing the views from Member States’ military and civilian air operating communities, industry and researchers, using a series of workshops.


The programme of workshops, their venues and intended topics are as follows:

  • WS 1: 21 Nov, EDA (Brussels), Military requirements and synergies with civil air operators.
  • WS 2: 24 Jan, UK, C-MANPADS technology overview
  • WS 3: 25 Apr, Germany, Aircraft protection against MANPADS
  • WS 4: 4 Jul, Czech Republic, Aircraft protection against MANPADS
  • WS 5: 19 Sep 13, EDA (Brussels), Review of results and findings 

While the first workshop is limited to participants from national authorities, industry is invited to attend the following workshops as well.

More information on the project is available from EDA Project Officer Protect, Mr. Mario Karnstedt ( For registration, please contact