09 June 2013 to 21 June 2013
07:00 - 14:00
While the fighter community has been trained extensively for years to operate together, the same cannot be said for air transport. In Europe today, airlift training is very much a national issue and since operating together becomes more the rule than the exception, the need to train together becomes bigger every day.
EDA's European Air Transport Training 2013 (EATT13) flying event will deliver tactical training, over a two-week period duration (9-21 June), offering participants a unique opportunity to plan and execute missions within a multinational framework. EATT13 will be developed on an increasing complexity basis, starting from single ship missions and evolving to COMAO missions.
Supported by the European Air Transport Command (EATC) in Eindhoven as well as the European Air Transport Fleet (EATF) Ad Hoc Working Group Operations & Training (AHWG O&T) and hosted by Spain, nine Member States will participate in the event.
Participating Member States and assets are:
- Belgium : 1 C-130 and 2 crews
- CZ Republic: 1 CN-295 and 2 crews
- France: 1 C-130 and 1 CN 235-300 and 4 crews
- Germany: 2 C-160 (I spare) and 2 crews
- Italy: 1 C-27 and 2 crews
- The Netherlands: 1 C-130 and 2 crews
- Norway: 1 C-130J and 2 crews
- Spain: 1 C-130 and 1 CN-295 and 4 crews
- Sweden: 2 C-130 (1 spare) and 2 crews
More information on the event will follow in due course.