
Industry Day on Joint ESA-EDA Demonstration Project DESIRE II

  • 21 March 2014 to 21 March 2014
  • 10:00 - 13:00
EDA and the European Space Agency (ESA) are pleased to announce the organisation of an informative Industry Day on the second element of the “Demonstration of the use of Satellites complementing Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems integrated in non-segregated airspace (DESIRE II)”, whose tendering release under the ESA procurement rules is imminent. Please be informed that the Invitation to Tender will be open only to the entities established in the ESA ARTES 20 Participating States and EDA participating Member States. This Industry day is therefore open to these entities.

DESIRE II is a step ahead building from the previous DESIRE project to support the regulatory process of integrating RPAS in air traffic. This is intended to be performed  by demonstrating that RPAS can be utilised for different applications, using satellite data-links close to a certifiable standard.

With this Industry Information Day, EDA and ESA are interested in promoting European industrial cooperation opportunities aimed at receiving industrial bids oriented to achieve high quality output as result of the DESIRE II initiative.  

Although some organisational details still need to be finalised, the Industry Information Day on DESIRE II will be held at EDA premises in Brussels, on 21 March 14 from 11:00 to 14:00 day and it will be structured as follows: 1) EDA/ESA joint presentation of DESIREII; 2) Lunch; 3) Information on ESA Tender Procedure; 4) Questions & Answers.

A final agenda with all logistic details will be distributed to the registered participants during the week before the event.

Please confirm your participation no later than 14 Mar 2014 to CAT(a), copy to david.chinn(a), manuel.gonzalez(a), Rita.Rinaldo(a), Laurence.Duquerroy(a) . For security reasons please indicate nationality, date of birth, national ID/passport number and position within their respective company.

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