The European Commission (EC) DG RTD Directorate D and the European Defence Agency (EDA) have the pleasure to invite you to an information exchange and match-making event in the area of materials and structures on 7 November 2017, at the European Commission (DG RTD, 21 Rue du Champ du Mars, 1050 Brussels - Ixelles). Following the December 2013 European Council conclusions, the focus of the event is to explore how the results under Horizon 2020 and EDA R&T could be mutually beneficial, enhancing defence and security capabilities.
In 2013, the European Council tasked EDA and EC to work closely in view of stimulating dual-use research. This priority has recently been reinforced by the EU Global Strategy which affirms the need to make the most efficient use of resources with the objective of enhancing the credibility of the EU in security and defence. In the same direction, through the European Defence Action Plan, EC stated its commitment to support efficient spending in defence capability development, to foster the competitiveness of the European defence industrial base and to promote civil/military synergies within EU policies. In the same time, the Pilot Project and Preparatory Action on Defence Research opened a new avenue at EU level and are leading to an increasing interaction between the EDA and EC.
EDA and EC have acknowledged the need to deepen their coordination activities and proactively engage their respective communities so as to better tap into the potential of the recent and future developments. The objectives of the event are to exchange information on projects developed in EDA and EC in the field of Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing and to facilitate the meeting of their communities. Consortiums of H2020 and EDA projects will be presenting their results with the goals of identifying potential reciprocal benefits for civil and defence entities and of fostering the cross-fertilization of outputs and ideas.
The draft agenda of the workshop is attached (Annex 1), and the final version will be distributed in due time. For this event, the participation of subject matter experts from Member States, industry and research centres and academia is desirable, so a wider dissemination of the invitation to the relevant stakeholders* is welcomed.
For registration, please fill in the attached form (Annexe 2) and return it (by email) fully filled to EDA and EC DG RTD: and (before 31 October 2017).
*Please note that the “relevant stakeholders” are understood as subject matter experts from governments, agencies, industry, research centers and academia from the European Union and from the following Third countries having concluded an Administrative Arrangement with EDA (Norway, Switzerland and Serbia).
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