29 May 2019 to 29 May 2019
14:00 - 16:30

“Strengthening EDTIB towards enhanced cross-border cooperation on future development of European naval systems”
The European Defence Agency (EDA), in line with its mission to support Member States in strengthening their defence capabilities and industry engagement policy, will organise an event entitled “Strengthening EDTIB towards enhanced cross-border cooperation on future development of European naval systems” at the first edition of the FEINDEF exhibition in Madrid. The workshop takes place on 29 May. During the last few years, it has been widely recognised that more cooperation at the EU level would enhance the industrial, technological and capability output of our Member States. Therefore, we would like to promote collaborative initiatives in the European defence naval sector by inviting high-level speakers from Ministries of Defence, industry and the European Commission to discuss the perspectives for future naval systems in the current EU security and defence context, marked by the development of initiatives such as PESCO, CARD and EDIDP/EDF.
Exhibition Center IFEMA, Madrid
Sala Conferencia Tecnobit
14:00 – 14:10
Opening remarks by Spanish National Armaments Director
- Admiral Santiago Ramón González Gómez
14:10 – 14:20
EDA - Setting the scene
- Mr Emilio Fajardo, Director Industry, Synergies and Enablers, EDA
14:20 – 14:30
European Commission – Funding opportunities offered by EDIDP/EDF
- Mr Alain Alexis, Head of Unit Defence 1, DG GROW
14:30 – 15:00
End-user’s needs for future naval platforms and expectations from the naval industry
- CPT Manuel Aguirre Aldereguia, Spanish Navy General Staff, Future Capabilities Plans
- Commander (RNLN) Hans Veerbeek, Chief of Defence, Maritime Plans Branch
15:00 – 15:45
Industry views on European competencies needed for the next generation of naval platforms and systems
- Mr Willem Laros, Sea Europe, Sea Naval Chairman / Damen
- Mr Javier López San Román, Navantia, European RTD responsible
- Mr Jean-Charles Boulat, Naval Group, Vice-President for EU and NATO affairs
- Mr Stefano Ferraris, Fincantieri, Vice-President Foreign Technical Support, Naval Vessels Business Unit
15:45 - 16:00
Closing remarks
- Mr Jorge Domecq, Chief Executive, EDA