The International Forum on Advanced and digitalised Smart Textiles (IFAST) will take place online, on 15 and 16 June 2021, with the objective to evaluate the development of advanced smart textiles in the European defence sector, aiming at laying the foundation of a possible European future dual use programme for multifunctional smart textiles.
The IFAST forum is composed of a virtual Exhibition Centre (15 and 16 June 2021) , where industries and academia involved in smart textiles can have their stand to show their products, services and projects, and a dedicated Conference on 15 June 2021
The event will gather relevant stakeholders coming from governmental defence bodies, industry (dual use), academia and R&T communities, as well as European institutions and organizations.
For all relevant information on the event, please visit the IFAST 2021 Website
There are lots of ways to participate in IFAST – as a virtual visitor, giving a pitch or requesting a booth in our virtual exhibition centre.
Registration is now open this link.
The virtual conference brings together 20+ speakers to discuss the development of smart textiles in defence and features two dedicated panel debates: Foresight on advanced and digitalised smart textiles in the European defence sector and Visualising a European dual use programme for multifunctional smart textiles.
The full conference programme is available here
If you have any questions please contact the management team directly here
The event is organised within a European Defence Agency (EDA) project, “Smart textiles in defence: looking at the soldiers of the future (STILE)”, targeting the reach of a proof of concept of a multifunctional smart textile model in defence. Due to its peculiarities, the STILE model is embedded within the dual use ecosystem, that is expected to get the attention of the EU industrial/research policy in the upcoming years.