
European Defence Standardisation - Call for Experts

  • 03 December 2024 to 04 December 2024
  • 08:00 - 16:00

Call for Experts from 05 September 2024 to 01 November 2024.

EDA invites experts from participating Members States’ National Defence Administrations and from European Defence Industries to take part in the review of the EDSTAR technical domains "Life Cycle Technical Documentation”, “Obsolescence Management”, “System Architecture”, “System Life Cycle Management”, “Packaging” And “Water Purification”.

The process consists of the review and selection of the “Best-Practice” Standards for the listed Technical Domains (more info on Expert Groups work is available in EDSTAR website).

The kick-off meetings will take place in Brussels on 03-04 December 2024.

Experts’ nomination is done though your respective National Ministry of Defence Standardisation Body.

Regarding access to participation requirements, or for further information, please contact us at before 1st November 2024 at 16:00 COB.

To know more about EDSTAR, follow the link: