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Ms. Arnould will speak at the Session européenne des responsables d’armement (SERA)

Ms. Arnould, EDA’s Chief Executive, will participate in the Session Europeenne pour les Responsables d’Armement (SERA, the European Session for Armament Officials) on 8 June. Ms. Arnould will speak about «La coopération en période d’austérité – au-delà du protectionnisme réflexe, comment tirer parti de la crise à plus long terme?»

SERA provides senior managers involved in defence equipment matters and in European collaboration with an environment for training, reflection, and open discussion with the aim of strengthening the European outlook in matters concerning defence and defence equipment and to improve mutual understanding between partners.

A number EDA staff are "SERA anciens".

This 23rd edition gathers 63 auditors from 16 European countries, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, OCCAR and the European Commission.