We invite you to propose ideas in critical areas that impact the following three technology areas:
1. Materials and Nano technologies
The areas of material and particularly nanotechnologies is moving very quickly at the moment. Nano-scale technologies that exploit materials and electronic and optronic components for military but also civil applications (dual use) are of interest to EDA. Especially those technologies which are critical, key enabling or cutting-edge technologies. European supply chain deficiencies, technology dependency risks, standardisation needs or industrial production capabilities can be addressed. We are interested in ideas that are an evolution of the current state of the art but we are also open to ideas that look disruptive (ie not necessarily an evolution of current trends). These may be combinations of new technologies and could be applicable to any domain.
2. Energy
Achieving energy efficiency by novel energy supply technologies working alongside conventional and smart grids across all services (land, sea and air) covering all systems levels down to nano level. Focus areas: fossil fuel dependencies, renewable / alternative energy sources, energy / power storage, efficient distribution and conversion, energy management and efficiency components.
3. Unmanned systems and technologies, including sensor networks
All components or (sub)systems that can be of importance for the autonomy of a system. Unmanned System to be concerned: land, air, naval (surface and underwater). Technology or function to be concerned: high level order follow up, “auto-pilot”, guidance/control, obstacle detection, automatic sense & avoid and “back-home” mode, stress/health monitoring.
We invite ideas from Research Institutes, Universities, Industries, Laboratories and SMEs.
You can pitch your new, creative and innovative solution to an audience of experts and governmental decision makers from Europe.
If you like to participate, please submit the enclosed form. The EDA will select the best ideas to be presented at the EDA R&T conference on 5 and 6 December 2013, in Athens, Greece. You will be requested to present your idea in a 5 to 10 minutes speech.