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EDA Annual Conference: the second part

The second part of the European Defence Agency (EDA) Annual Conference held on 16 November 2015 was built around a question on research opportunities at the EU level.

Prior to the fruitful discussions on various aspects of research and the “dual-use” concept, the floor was taken by Mr Conrad Bruch, Director of Defence at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Luxembourg, who represented Etienne Schneider, Vice-Minister, Minister of Economy & Minister of Minister of Defence: “We welcome work on a global strategy that will encompass all the tools at our disposal to create a stronger and more secure Europe,” he said and continued: “We need to become more effective in facing crisis, we have the right tools and structures at our disposal,” he said, also mentioning the role of the European Defence Agency.

Special addresses

Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General, and Federica Mogherini, Head of the European Defence Agency, High Representative and Vice-President of the European Commission, marked their presence during the conference and delivered special addresses. “We cannot afford to act without a rational strategy and a vision what we want to achieve and how we want to get there,” said Federica Mogherini about the upcoming global strategy, stating that defence and security will be part of each chapter. High Representative also emphasised the European Defence Agency’s achievements in terms of capability development.

A common element of speeches of both Federica Mogherini and Jens Stoltenberg was the focus placed on the EU-NATO complementarity and partnership in facing common challenges. As NATO Secretary General stated: “European security is interconnected”. He also emphasised that determination for closer cooperation is on both sides: “it is not something we should do but something we must do.”

Roundtable 2 „New research opportunities at EU level: a game changer for the industry?”

The discussions of the second roundtable were steered by Michel Barnier, Special Adviser to the European Commission President on defence matters, Antoine Bouvier, President & Chief Executive Officer of MBDA Millie Systems, Ana Gomes, Member of the European Parliament and Tassos Rozolis, Chief Executive Officer of AKMON and Chairman of the Hellenic Manufacturers of Defence and Security Material Association.

The speakers were especially referring to the reduced  funding of European defence research as well as the Preparatory Action, which is expected to include financing defence research by the EU budget for the first time in history.

“No Member State has the means to ensure the full capability spectrum,” admitted Michel Barnier. Antoine Bouvier drew attention to the need of identifying the level of ambition and “set a new dynamics in Research & Technology”. Also Ana Gomes stated there is a need for political will that will be translated into concrete programmes. Tassos Rozolis called for an industrial strategy so that “the industry knows where it should go” and underlined the importance of practical implications of the programmes that shall lead to procurements.

The Annual Conference was summarised by the EDA Chief Executive, Jorge Domecq.

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