The “SPACE NOSTRUM - High Performance Dual Satellite Constellation for Maritime Surveillance” study was awarded European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), accessing the highest co-funding rate (50%) available in that region.
This funding supports a broad space system R&T project, with up to 20 satellites aimed at fighting terrorism and smuggling among others. Its economic impact could include the development of entire new technical sector and hundreds of high-value jobs.
This ESIF-funded half-million euro study was initially identified by the French DGA and selected by the EDA to receive tailored technical assistance to access ESIF.
Thales Alenia Space France leads the project consortium with 4 other companies and 2 defence-related clusters.
The award demonstrates that significant defence and security projects initiated by large companies in LOI countries are also eligible for ESIF. It clearly underlines the importance of the EDA’s role, explicitly featured in the project application.
Previous successful EDA-supported R&T projects had already demonstrated eligibility for SMEs in several EU countries. It is now clear that ESIF can fund the entire spectrum of defence stakeholders.
SPACE NOSTRUM delivers on the EU Global Strategy and its Implementation Plan for Defence as well as the EU Maritime Security Strategy. It will be relevant for the defence naval environment and for defence-related radars.
By building on successful pilot projects, the EDA is in the process of developing a specific methodology identifying a spectrum of EU funding sources for both the European Defence Overarching Strategic Research Agenda (OSRA) and Key Strategic Activities (KSA).
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