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Upgraded version of ‘IdentiFunding’ tool launched ​

An improved, upgraded 2.0 version of EDA’s ‘IdentiFunding’ tool, an online platform that enables defence-related stakeholders (Ministries of Defence, institutes, industry, research-and-technology organisations, etc.) to easily and swiftly check if their defence-related projects and activities are eligible for existing EU funding schemes, has just been made available on the Agency’s website.

The tool is available since 2019 and was run under its 1.0 version until the end of 2020 by when it had been used by several hundreds of defence stakeholders. It then underwent the required technical maintenance work and is now back online in an enhanced, user-friendly 2.0 version on

Covering the EU’s multiannual budget (2021-2027)

The revised tool covers the full EU multiannual budgetary framework 2021-2027, including its related funding programmes. It encompasses 25 funding windows potentially accessible to defence actors, under the European Defence Fund (EDF), the Space Programme, Digital Europe, the Structural Funds, InvestEU, the Connecting Europe Facility (namely the Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research - SESAR - and the European Military Mobility windows), European Investment Bank (EIB) loans, Horizon Europe and many other funding schemes, including programmes supporting the EU Green Deal (for e.g. energy, environmental and circular economy projects in defence).

‘IdentFunding’ is free-of-charge and allows to easily identify, in a confidential and in tailored manner, which funding sources at European level may be eligible for defence-related project ideas and activities.

Try it yourself at

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