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Smart textiles, C2 and radar: EDA takes on new European Defence Fund projects

The European Defence Agency began implementing three new projects, ARMETISS, EC2 and TIRESYAS, that were selected under the European Defence Fund (EDF) 2022 call for proposals.  

The EDF incentivises cooperation and supports the competitiveness of the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base. It aims at providing financial support to defence research and capability development. Following the signature of the Contribution Agreement by the European Commission, EDA is responsible for the indirect management of the projects.


The project 'smARt Multifunction tExtiles for integrated Soldier Systems' has a duration of 36 months and will receive an EU grant of €20 million. Coordinated by NFM Group (Norway), the consortium encompasses a total of 20 participants from seven countries.

The project will develop smart clothes and equipment for soldiers by using innovative textile technologies with smart functionalities that will enhance soldiers’ protection and improve their performance, as well as their operational capabilities during military operations.  

Find more information about the ARMETISS project and the consortium here


The project 'European Command and Control System' will be a continuation of the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) project ESC2. With an EU grant of roughly €30 million, the project will last 24 months. Led by Indra (Spain), the consortium encompasses 19 participants from 13 countries.  

EC2 will develop a multi-domain command and control solution for the full spectrum of Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions and operations. The project will contribute to enhancing the interoperability with all government actors, ensuring a proper level of security to increase the exchange of information. It will centralise all operational capabilities by creating a single access point for command and control (C2).  

Find more information about the EC2 project and the consortium here.  


The project 'Technology Innovation for Radar European SYstem ApplicationS' will complement the project ARTURO (Advanced Radar Technologies in eUROpe) that was selected in the EDF 2021 call. The €15 million project will last 36 months. The consortium is led by Leonardo (Italy), bringing together 29 entities from 11 countries.  

TIRESYAS will explore innovative technologies to enhance radar performance and sensors’ resilience, with a view to advancing towards a disruptive multi-function radar system and counteracting challenging emerging threats and hypersonic missiles.  

Find more information about the TIRESYAS project and the consortium here