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EDA's first operational experimentation campaign for defence innovation takes off

The European Defence Agency (EDA) launched its first-ever European Defence Innovation Operational Experimentation (OPEX) campaign on 28 January 2025. The campaign was launched under the umbrella of EDA’s Hub for EU Defence Innovation (HEDI) and hosted at the Italian Army’s Multifunctional Experimentation Centre (CEPOLISPE) in Montelibretti, Italy. This initiative aims to bridge the gap between technological innovation and operational deployment of future capabilities.  

Managed in close partnership with the Italian Army and supported by the Italian National Armaments Directorate, the OPEX campaign focuses on testing future capabilities in Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and Unmanned Ground Systems (UGS). The principle behind this initiative is to take next-generation technology, which is already at an advanced stage in development, and place it in an operational setting to support the rapid adoption of emerging capabilities that are likely to shape the future of EU defence.  

The new framework provides a unique opportunity for experimentation in a realistic operational environment, allowing those involved to collaboratively test, refine, and adapt emerging technologies under real-world conditions. Through this campaign, EDA helps Member States and industry to bridge what defence specialists refer to as the “valley of death” in development, where promising new technologies fail to transition into defence programs.  

During the campaign’s launch, Nathalie Guichard, EDA’s Director for Research, Technology, and Innovation, said: “We are embarking on a ground-breaking initiative that will shape the future of European defence innovation. For the first time, Europe is providing a collaborative and agile environment for field-testing emerging disruptive technologies.

Tests in June and July 

Now that it has launched, the OPEX campaign will run across two test locations in Italy between June and July 2025. These varied environments will rigorously assess how proposed autonomous logistics solutions meet military requirements and explore disruptive concepts of operation beyond traditional defence applications.  

The campaign is also supported by an expert working group of 76 UAS and UGS experts from 14 EU Member States, Switzerland, and Ukraine. This working group will provide technical and operational guidance for the development of the OPEX campaign, ensuring it aligns with Europe’s current defence needs while considering possible future operational realities. 

What makes this campaign work is the close collaboration with the Defence Test and Evaluation Base (DTEB), which plays a pivotal role in connecting European test and evaluation centres into a so-called network of excellence. The DTEB strategy further strengthens these efforts by aiming to harmonise test and evaluation procedures, addressing challenges stemming from emerging technology, as well as fostering interoperability across Europe.  

Embedded in EDA’s broader defence innovation framework, this initiative complements activities such as the Strategic Research and Innovation Agendas, the Action Plan on Autonomous Systems, and the Emerging Disruptive Technologies’ Capability-Driven Action Plan.  

Areas to be tested 

  • Following a competitive procurement process launched in July 2024, EDA awarded contracts across six specialised categories so that a diverse range of solutions are rigorously field-tested. These are:  
  • Low-Cost Attritable UAS – BEYOND VISION (Portugal)  
  • Vertical Take-Off and Launch (VTOL) UAS – ALTUS LSA (Greece)  
  • Heavy Lift VTOL UAS – SCHIEBEL (Austria)  
  • Low-Cost Attritable UGS – ALYSIS (Spain)  
  • Medium Wheeled Logistical UGS – PIAP (Poland) 
  • Medium Tracked Logistical UGS – ARX ROBOTICS (Germany)  

The OPEX support team is a consortium led by French company EXTENSEE. It will help in the design, execution, and evaluation of the OPEX campaign in collaboration with EDA and the Italian authorities. 


EDA’s broader role 

Founded in 2004, the Agency helps foster defence cooperation across Europe. It serves as the central hub for EU countries aiming to develop their defence capabilities together. EDA’s activities span from harmonising requirements and developing operational capabilities to research, technology, innovation, training, and supporting Common Security and Defence Policy operations. The agency also works closely with the European defence industry to strengthen Europe’s technological and industrial base.