As shown by an EDA survey conducted in 2022, most of the Member States with a Military Air Navigation Service Provider are training their ATCOs using EASA civil regulation as a reference [i]. Due to this strong common ground but also the many similarities in the challenges encountered when trying to preserve the military dimension of ATCO training, a core group of 7 Member States under the umbrella of the EDA SES Military Aviation Board (ESMAB) engaged in cooperation on the topic as of 2022.

Below you will find the latest and previous document baselines that have been approved by the ESMAB Policy in accordance with the MATCO Initial Training Cover Document and with the MATCO Composition Documents Update Process.

Users of these documents should regularly check this website to remain aware of the latest approved versions.


It should be noted that the MATCO documents below are not regulations; they are legally non-binding and their potential implementation remains fully a decision to be taken at national level.

Therefore, specific care should be taken by anyone wishing to use them in an official capacity. If any doubt exists over the applicability (within a Member State) of the requirements contained within the documents then they should check, in the first instance, with the relevant National Military Aviation Authority (or equivalent entity) and for further information contact the EDA Industry, Synergies & Enablers Directorate at


[i] Commission Regulation (EU) 340/2015 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures relating to air traffic controllers' licences and certificates pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council, amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 and repealing Commission Regulation (EU) No 805/2011