Policy & Legislation
1. The Energy Efficiency Directive
DIRECTIVE (EU) 2018/2002
The revised Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 amending Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency establishes a common framework of measures to promote energy efficiency within the Union in order to ensure that the Union's 2020 headline targets on energy efficiency of 20 % and its 2030 headline targets on energy efficiency of at least 32,5 % are met and paves the way for further energy efficiency improvements beyond those dates.
The Directive stipulates that each Member State shall set indicative national energy efficiency contributions towards the Union's 2030 targets and shall notify those contributions to the Commission as part of their integrated national energy and climate plans.
The revised Energy Efficiency Directive fact-sheet is available here
Directive 2012/27/EU
The former directive was signed into law on 25th October 2012.
This directive placed energy efficiency at the core of the EU Energy 2020 strategy and required Member States to further decouple energy use from economic growth. At the same time, it set out a common framework of measures for the achievement of the EU’s headline 20% energy efficiency target (by 2020).
2. The Renewable Energy Directive
DIRECTIVE (EU) 2018/2001
The revised Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (recast) establishes a common framework for the promotion of energy from renewable sources. It sets a binding Union target for the overall share of energy from renewable sources in the Union's gross final consumption of energy in 2030. Member States shall collectively ensure that the share of energy from renewable sources in the Union's gross final consumption of energy in 2030 is at least 32 %.
The Directive stipulates that Member States shall set national contributions to meet, collectively, the binding overall Union target as part of their integrated national energy and climate plans.
The revised Renewable Energy Directive fact-sheet is available here
Directive 2009/28/EC12
The former directive was signed into law on 23rd April 2009.
This Directive established the basis for the achievement of the EU’s previously agreed 20% renewable energy target by 2020 and set out individually binding renewable energy targets for Member States, which will contribute to the achievement of the overall target.
3. Energy Performance of Buildings
DIRECTIVE (EU) 2018/844
The revised Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018 amending Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings and Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency was entered into force as of 9 July 2018. EU countries will have to transpose the new elements of the Directive into national law within 20 months. The new Directive has huge potential for efficiency gains in the EU building sector, the largest single energy consumer in Europe. It includes measures that will accelerate the rate of building renovation towards more energy efficient systems and strengthen the energy performance of new buildings, making them smarter.
The Energy Performance of Buildings here
The former EPB Directive 2010/31/EU is available here.
4. Directive on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection
Directive 2008/114/EC contains two sectors in the remit of the Consulation Forum: energy and transport.
Treaty of Lisbon
Treaty of Lisbon, Article 194. In the context of the establishment and functioning of the internal market and with regard for the need to preserve and improve the environment, Union policy on energy shall aim, in a spirit of solidarity between Member States, to: (a) ensure the functioning of the energy market; (b) ensure security of energy supply in the Union; (c) promote energy efficiency and energy saving and the development of new and renewable forms of energy; and (d) promote the interconnection of energy networks.