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The CapTech mission is to provide expertise within the AoR by performing technology watch and foresight, identifying and assessing gaps and technological shortfalls and establish the relevant roadmaps and joint research projects and programmes supporting the development of the relevant Capability Development priorities. The focus of the group is generally for TRLs up to 6.

CapTech Cyber (AOR) covers a broad array of innovative technologies on the Domain including but not limited to:

  • Situation Awareness
  • Threat intel, APT, Malware Analysis, Network Security & Automation
  • AI, ML,
  • Infosec, CIS Security Controls
  • Detection and Incident Response
  • Cryptography, Predictive Analytics Modelling & Simulation
  • Software & Systems Engineering,
  • Digital Forensics, Cloud technologies
  • Quantum Computing


The establishment of CapTech Cyber started as a “Cyber Defence R&T” Ad-Hoc Working Group (AHWG) in 2018. After 11 successful AHWG meetings it has been decided to transform to a more permanent research group. As part of the 2019 EDA R&T CapTechs review, EDA SB agreed on the transition of the AHWG to a formal CapTech. Cyber formally became the 13th CapTech on 1 May 2020.


The CapTech Cyber meetings are held 3 times per year, with a maximum duration of 2 days. All the information is shared in its Workspace. Workshops or seminars might take place back-to-back with the CapTech meetings. The Workshops objectives are to achieve concrete outcomes, such as the preparation of a project or fulfilment of an extraordinary request (topics for calls for proposals, SRA development, technology assessment, etc

The activities of the CapTech Cyber are guided by the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA). The CapTech started by identifying the main operational challenges relevant to its area of work, on the short, medium and long-term. A total of eight main R&T priorities are included in the current SRA . According to the OSRA methodology, these priorities have been transferred into systematic Technology Building Block (TBB) descriptions, allowing for a more harmonised structuration and analysis of CapTech SRA documents and a systematic development of the Overarching Strategic Research Agenda (OSRA). The SRA also presents technological relations (linkages & boundaries) and dependencies to other CapTechs. A more detailed TBBs Roadmap has been developed where specifica technical recommendations are incorporated in the SRA reflecting potential project research activities that can address the etchnology areas of interest.

The TBBs that form the CapTech Cyber SRA are the following:

  • Cyber defence Situation Awareness
  • Cognitive Science with cyber implications
  • Exploring convergence opportunities between Cyberoperations and Electronic Warfare
  • Cross-cutting cyberdefence for land, maritime, air and space
  • The protection of military communications and information systems
  • Quantum computing and cryptography with cyber implications
  • Autonomous cyber response capabilities
  • Modelling and Simulation for cyber defence

Requests for membership to the CapTech can be submitted to the CapTech Moderator and granted by the respective CapTech National Coordinator. Be aware that your request will be forwarded to your national authorities, in the person of the relevant CNC. The approval of the CNC will be needed to become a Governmental Expert (CGE) or non-Governmental Expert (CnGE), and for your participation in a CapTech event. To become a member of the CapTech (CGE or CnGE), please contact us at:

Ongoing and finalised projects

MASFAD II (Multi-Agent System for Advanced Persistent Threat Detection 2): As a follow-up on MASFAD I, to develop a prototype with new detection techniques for advanced persistent threats at network level.

CERERE (Cyber Electromagnetic Resilience Evaluation on Replicated Environment): The creation of a new solution based on a simulation environment, able to measure and test the cyber resilience of a specific complex system, i.e. an IoT or CIS network of collaborative sub-systems responsible for monitor and manage critical infrastructure, against Cyber Electro-Magnetic Activities (CEMA).

Homomorphic Encryption for Defence (OB Study): to ensure the technical understanding of homomorphic encryption, by obtaining an overview of homomorphic encryption types and schemes, identifying advantages and added value, associated tools and specific required resources. Also to identify existing and foreseen applications for military systems and highlight limitations and challenges for applications in defence.