The Symbiosis project will last 30 months, beginning on October 1, 2022, and ending on March 30, 2025, and a project plan has been developed to govern the overall activities of the project. The Symbiosis project will require the development of 13 deliverables in four distinct work packages over the course of the project's lifespan. These deliverables will primarily consist of reports capturing the results of the Symbiosis investigative implementation to identify barriers as well as solutions that would promote co-existence.
Besides deliverables, the Symbiosis project will lay the groundwork for community development, and two distinct and niche communities will be established (OREC and ORED CoUs). The two communities will need to meet in plenary conferences to enable networking space between MoDs and the civil sector, particularly defence and energy experts, as well as the industrial, technological, and academic community, to raise awareness of the project's main scope and goals. Furthermore, regional meetings will be organised to focus on matters of regional interest, as well as ad hoc meetings for experts on specific points that could facilitate a focused expert discussion on complex or sensitive issues.

Deliverables Work Package 1
- Kick-off Meeting Report
- ToRs for the Management of the Advisory Board
- ToRs for the Management of the Project’s Community of Users
Deliverables Work Package 2
- Project Management Plan
- Report on the 1st Conference
- Report of the 1st Regional Workshop
- Report of the 2nd Regional Workshop
- Report of the 3rd Regional Workshop
- Report of the 4th Regional Workshop
- Report of the 3rd Regional Workshop
- Report on the 2nd Conference
Deliverables Work Package 3
- Contract Evaluation Report
- Technical Report
- Final Report
Deliverables Work Package 4
- Dissemination and Communication Plan
- Data Management Plan
- Mid-term Assessment of the Dissemination and Communication Plan
- Final Report on Dissemination and Communication Activities