Header - versioning and reference numbers (recommendation: publicly available) |
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Last update of this record |
02-09-2022 |
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Reference number |
EDA-DPR-023 |
part 1 - article 31 record (recommendation: publicly available) |
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Name and contact details of controller |
European Defence Agency
Rue des Drapiers 17-23
B-1050 Brussels
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Name and contact details of DPO |
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Name and contact details of joint controller (where applicable) |
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Name and contact details of processor (where applicable) |
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Purpose of the processing |
To assess the ability, efficiency and conduct in the service during the probationary period of the staff members: temporary and contract agents (TAs and CAs) with a view to confirm or not confirm the contract or to extend the duration of the probationary period.
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Description of categories of persons whose data EDA processes and list of data categories |
Data are processed from the following individuals: All EDA staff (i.e. TAs and CAs whose contracts are concluded for a duration of one year or more). Data processed are the following: The following data are recorded in the various parts of the form:
1. Staff Member data (ore-filled by HR):
- name and surname;
- administrative status (TA or CA);
- Grade; - Directorate/Unit;
- Job Title;
- Start of contract;
- Probation period;
- Reporting Officer;
- Countersigning Officer.
2. Self assessment To be completed by the staff member taking into account his/her efficiency, ability and conduct against the objectives and the overall contribution. Staff Member's signature and date.
3. Probation report by the Reporting Officer The assessment is to be completed taking into account the efficiency, ability and conduct of the staff member against the specific objectives and her/his overall contribution. Recommendation:
- confirmation of the staff member in his/her functions, or
- extension of the probation period for a maximum of 6 months (in exceptional cases), or
- Dismissal Reporting Officer's signature and date
4. Countersigning Officer's comments, date and his/her signature
5. Comments of the staff member, date and his/her signature
6. Decision of the AACC:
- confirmation of the staff member in his/her functions, or
- extension of the probation period for a maximum of 6 months (in exceptional cases), or
- dismissal Date and his/her signature
7. Reserved for Corporate Services - Human Resources date and signature. The objectives agreed beforehand between the staff member and the reporting officer for the next period are also attached to the workflow while the last page of the probation report contains the objectives agreed for the following period. A job description is also attached to the workflow.
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Time limit for keeping the data |
The final probationary period report is kept in the electronic workflow and personal file for a period of 5 years, except in case of pending legal action in case the jobholder is not confirmed on the post.
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Recipients of the data |
- The Reporting Officer of the probationer;
- The Countersigning Officer;
- The Deputy Chief Executive;
- The Chief Executive;
- The Corporate Service Director;
- The Head of Human Resources;
- The authorised Human Resources staff
Furthermore, the transfer to, the Disciplinary Board, the EDA Internal Auditor, the Legal Advisor, the College of Auditors, OLAF, the Civil Service Tribunal, the EDPS and the European Ombudsman can be considered necessary in certain cases for the performance of the respective supervisory, advisory or judicial task. Finally, transfers of administrations and evaluation data contained in the personal files to responsible services on other EU institutions, bodies or agencies can be considered necessary in case of the transfer of a specific staff member. In case of mobility of the staff member or reporting officer, the probation report can be communicated to the new reporting officer to allow an efficient follow-up of the staff member's performance, objectives and learning needs.
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Are there any transfers of personal data to third countries or international organisations? If so, to which ones and with which safeguards? |
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General description of security measures, where possible. |
Having regards to the state of the art and the cost of their implementation the controller have implemented appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risks represented by the processing and the nature of the personal data to be protected (restricted access, logs, etc.). Such measures have been taken in particular to prevent any unauthorised disclosure or access, accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, or alteration and to prevent all others unlawful forms of processing.
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For more information, including how to exercise your rights to access, rectification, object and data portability (where applicable), see the privacy statement |
Additional information is available by following the link to privacy statement here.