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EDA-DPR-046 - Expert Management PADR

Records and compliance checklist

Under Article 31 of the new Regulation, EUIs have to keep records of their processing operations. This template covers two aspects:

1.Mandatory records under Article 31 of the new rules (recommendation: publicly available)
2.Compliance check and risk screening (internal).

The header and part 1 should be publicly available; part 2 is internal to the EUI. By way of example, column 3 contains a hypothetical record on badges and physical access control in a EUI.
Nr Item Explanation
Header - versioning and reference numbers (recommendation: publicly available)
1. Last update of this record 05-09-2022
2. Reference number EDA-DPR-046 - Expert Management PADR
part 1 - article 31 record (recommendation: publicly available)
3. Name and contact details of controller
European Defence Agency

Rue des Drapiers 17-23
B-1050 Brussels
4. Name and contact details of DPO

Head of the Legal Office, Legal Advisor / Data Protection Mr Pedro ROSA PLAZA

5. Name and contact details of joint controller (where applicable)
European Commission
6. Name and contact details of processor (where applicable)
7. Purpose of the processing
The purpose of the processing operations is the registration, selection and management of external experts on the Participant Portal in the context of the Preparatory Action of Defense Research (PADR). If an expert is selected, he/she gets a contract for activities that involves the evaluation of proposals submitted under annual calls for proposals, monitoring of the implementation of actions, ethics reviews, checks and audit. Moreover, EDA will manage the reimbursement of expenses (travel expenses, etc.) the payment of allowances and fees, where applicable, and the subsequent management of the Experts and their contracts. The processing operation is necessary in order to proceed with the evaluation of project proposals requesting financial support from PADR, to participate as observers in the evaluation and/or to ensure monitoring of the implementation of actions, ethics reviews, checks and audit. External experts may also be contacted by the Controller or their contractors for voluntary surveys.
8. Description of categories of persons whose data EDA processes and list of data categories

The data subjects are natural persons interested in being contracted or appointed by the Controllers, who respond to calls for expression of interest and register as experts through the Participant Portal. Data processed are the following: The personal data collected and further processed via the Expert Area of the Participant Portal are identification data, contact data, and professional data:

  • Identification data: title, first name, family name (current and former), gender, date of birth, nationality & candidature reference;
  • Contact details: phone(s), fax and email address, physical address (street, town, post code, country);
  • Education: language level, titles of qualifications, subject or field, name of institution, country, and year awarded;
  • Area of expertise: specialization, research interest, related keywords;
  • Career: Host Institution/organization, current and previous employments (organization name, department sector, job title, employment dates, town or city, country, organization type and size), total number of years of experience related to the field of expertise required, current employment status, experience in the industrial sector (if applicable), information concerning assistance to the European Commission in its research programmes (area of work and dates are mentioned in a free text field). Description of other experience in evaluation, peer review, monitoring, programming, including the name of the organization, year and role, being in possession of a security clearance;
  • Publications: title, date of the publication, authorship, name of publisher/journal, keywords. The data can be entered manually or be retrieved via a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) entered into the system.
  • Achievements: date, country and nature of achievement, reference for patents;
  • Other categories of data: Funding programme for which the expert wishes to be considered, free field where the expert can provide additional information or links of interest (e.g. to CV).
  • Researcher ID1 (optional). The controllers do not need to collect, and process special categories of data as defined in Article 10 of Regulation 2018/1725 except in the following specific circumstances: a) It is needed to acquire extracts of judicial records for the detection of fraud related to the contract or procedures relating to sanctions according to the Financial Regulation and its Rules of Application. b) The data subjects are free to provide voluntary health-related data due to their special needs in order to be refunded of possible additional costs relating to the subsequent accommodation and travel specificities. Any controllers' staff member in charge of the processing of health-related data would be subject to the specific obligation of secrecy equivalent to that of a health professional and might be requested to sign a specific professional secrecy declaration, and might be requested to sign a specific professional secrecy declaration, if necessary. Irrelevant or excessive data are not retained by the Controllers.
9. Time limit for keeping the data

For experts not yet selected by a Controller, their personal data are kept for the duration of the related programme's activities for which they have registered.

For experts selected by EDA, personal data are kept for 5 years after the end of the particular programme on which they provided their services. Should the need arise to acquire extracts of judicial records for the detection of fraud related to the contract or procedure relating to sanctions according to the Financial Regulation and its rules of application, those extracts shall not be kept longer than two years after the accomplishment of the particular procedure. Supporting documents relating to budget implementation are kept for at least five years from the date on which the European Parliament grants discharge for the budgetary year to which the documents relate. The personal data contained in this type of supporting documents shall be deleted where possible when those data are not necessary for budgetary discharge, control and audit purposes. Personal data contained in supporting documents are deleted where possible when these data are no longer necessary for budgetary discharge control and audit purposes. Experts are asked to indicate if they wish that their data be retained in the database of experts beyond this date in order to be considered for assignments for the forthcoming programme. If they do not wish to be considered for future assignments, their data are deleted after the end of the programme. -For unsuccessful and withdrawn experts, personal data may be retained only for up to 5 years after the end of the particular procedure to allow for all possible appeals. Anonymous or encrypted data can be retained for a longer period for statistical, historical or scientific purposes. Statistics on experts' nationality, gender, field of expertise for example may be generated during the implementation of the programmes and also after their end, in a form that safeguards the data subject's anonymity. In addition, as referred to above, statistics on experts with contracts (name, first name, candidature number, number of days worked) may be generated during the implementation of the programmes, to comply with the rules on rotation of the experts. These statistics will be retained for the duration of the PADR.

10. Recipients of the data
The category of recipients are: - EU institutions and bodies; - Member States; - Third parties in the European Economic Area (EEA) and in countries for which the Commission has adopted and adequacy decision; - The public. For more details, please refer to the "List of recipients", published in the Privacy Statement of the Participant Portal. Disclosure to some categories of recipients require the prior consent of the data subject.
11. Are there any transfers of personal data to third countries or international organisations? If so, to which ones and with which safeguards?
In line with Regulation 2018/1725, personal data might be transferred to recipients in third countries or international organisations, provided that the requirements of Articles 46 to 51 are met.
12. General description of security measures, where possible.
All data in electronic format (emails, documents, uploaded batches of data, etc.) are stored either on the servers of the European Commission or of its contractors, the operation of which abide by the European Commission's security decision of 16 August 2006 (C(2006)3602) concerning the security of information system used by the European Commission. Access rights and controls are secured via the European Commission Authentication Service (ECAS) granted to persons authorized to get access to specific documents (call management, grant management, etc.) All stakeholders involved in the evaluation and granting process are reminded to use the personal data received only for the purpose for which they were transmitted and to disregard all irrelevant and excessive data received with the proposals. The personal data is stored in databases and servers that reside on the Controller's premises, the operations of which abide by Council's security regulations as set out in the Council Decision 2013/488/EU. Finally, contractors are bound by a specific contractual clause for any processing operations of personal data on behalf of the Commission and EDA, and by the confidentiality obligations.
13. For more information, including how to exercise your rights to access, rectification, object and data portability (where applicable), see the privacy statement

Additional information is available by following the link to privacy statement here.