Since 1 October 2021, EDA has been managing the Incubation Forum for Circular Economy in European Defence (IF CEED) to apply the EU Green Deal’s Circular Economy approach to the European defence sector based on a cooperative community involving EU Member States’ Ministries of Defence (MoDs), European defence industry, research-and-technology-organisations (RTOs), financial institutions, and academia. IF CEED is currently co-funded by the EU LIFE programme and the Italian Ministry of Defence.

After a successful first phase leading to the incubation of more than a dozen collaborative project ideas, the Forum is currently in its second phase of action (“IF CEED 2”, 2023-2027). By applying circularity principles in European defence and combining both environmental and capability requirements, IF CEED 2 aims to enhance military operational efficiency and mitigate the defence sector’s environmental footprint. Activities focus on:

  • Implementing and incubating new collaborative and transnational projects;
  • Enabling transnational innovative solutions and new business models;
  • Facilitating best practice sharing and implementation of solutions to mitigate the defence sector’s environmental impact.




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