Since 2014 when the First Test and Evaluation Community Day (TECD) took place, the European Test Centers have recognised the importance of sharing information, procedures, and knowledge about the best practices to test and evaluate Defence systems.
Test and Evaluation is a Critical Enabler for cooperation, so this Conference aims to strengthen the relationship between Member States Test Centers and develop better network connections among experts to avoid duplicating investment in European testing and qualification capabilities.
Fourth Test and Evaluation Community Days Conference (TECD)
The fourth Test and Evaluation Community Days Conference (TECD) will take place in, Linköping, Sweden, 8-10 October 2024 focused on “Defence Test and Evaluation Challenges in Europe”.
Third Test and Evaluation Community Days Conference (TECD)
The third Test and Evaluation Community Days Conference (TECD) will take place in Madrid from 19th to 21st of October 2022, focused on “New Defence Test & Evaluation challenges from Innovation to Standardisation”.
Second Test and Evaluation Community Days Conference (TECD)
The second Test and Evaluation Community Days Conference (TECD) took place in Vienna from the 25th to the 27th of April 2017, focused on “European priorities challenges and opportunities for a large EU network of T&E Centers”.
First Test and Evaluation community Days Conference (TECD)
The First and Inaugural Test and Evaluation Community Days Conference (TECD) took place in Rome from the 25th to the 26th of November 2014, focused in “Working together to optimise the EU Test & Evaluation Base network to improve Defence acquisition outcomes in a time of financial challenge”